Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I contact Mike Segerblom, the head coach?

The best way to contact Mike Segerblom is by email or phone. His email is His phone number is (562) 433-7939. Additional contact information is available on the contact link on the site index. He is available most days during the business hours of the US Sailing Center in Long Beach. You can also leave a voicemail and he will return your call. Please adjust for Pacific Standard time when making your call.

2. How can I be admitted to the University of Southern California?

Admission to USC is very competitive. The number of applicants has been climbing each year; last year, there were nearly 60,000 applicants for only 3,500 openings. Our standards have continued to increase as well. While sailing is a Varsity sport, academics are the primary concern for admission. The best way to be admitted into the University is strong high school academics, SAT scores, and extracurricular activities. Please visit the University’s main site for more information regarding their admission standards. If you feel that you meet the criteria, please contact the head coach, Mike Segerblom, to let him know of your interest.

3. Can the Sailing Team at USC help me with my admissions/ get me recruited into the school as an athlete?

No! The Sailing Team at USC does not have any sort of sway or influence over the admissions process. We do not have the ability to designate anyone as a 'priority admit', 'recruit' or 'athlete'. All of our sailors were admitted into USC on their own merits and the strength of their application packages. Nevertheless, including your sailing achievements or writing about sailing in your personal statement is definitely a great way to stand out during the admissions process!

4. Are there scholarships for sailing?

No, College Sailing rules do not allow sailing scholarships at any school and therefore, the University of Southern California does not offer athletic scholarships for Sailing. However, academic scholarships and financial aid are available through the University.

5. How are the academics at USC?

USC has extremely competitive academic programs. The University of Southern California offers 126 distinct undergraduate degrees, concentrated into 81 majors within 24 broad fields of study. The university also offers 190 different minors, "the broadest array of any United States university", and encourages students to develop "breadth with depth" by studying in widely separated fields. See the school’s main website for additional information.

6. What are the time commitments of the sailing team?

The team practices three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and attends regattas most weekends. We practice in Long Beach, which is approximately 30 minutes from the campus. The team usually meets at 1pm on campus and travels together to practice. We have regattas in Southern and Northern California mostly, with some on the East Coast. Depending on the location of the regatta, departure and arrival times on the weekend trips vary. Most students are able to balance sailing, academics, and an active social life.

7. What is different about the Sailing Team at USC from other college sailing programs?

The main advantage we have at USC is the weather. While other competitive programs have to wait for the ice to melt, the most we have to wear at practice for warmth is a spray top. Our location in Long Beach on Alamitos Bay allows for practice in two different bays, as well as outside the harbor on the open ocean. Because of our affiliation with the US Sailing Center, we have the use of many kinds of vessels. We sail mostly CFJs (the norm for west coast college sailing) as well as 420s and Lasers.

Our team is very close both on a competitive level and a social level. Where else can you compete against some of the best sailors in the country (including several All-Americans). You need not be the most expert sailor to be a valuable member of our team – anyone with the ambition to learn, commitment, and a positive attitude is welcome. See our photo gallery page for pictures of some of the fun we have had and the places we have been.

The University of Southern California offers an amazing academic and social opportunity with almost every activity you can imagine. Refer to the school's site for more of the advantages of attending USC.

8. Can I visit your Sailing Center and USC?

Sure! Housing and entertaining recruits is one of our favorite things to do as a team. You can choose to visit USC through the University or through our team. When you visit you can choose to stay with a member of the team or have separate housing plans. You can come down to any of our practices from campus to meet our team and sail with us. While on campus with us, you can also go on a tour with the admissions office. Please contact our coach if you wish to visit USC as a recruit.

Fight On! We hope to hear from you soon!